Synopsis of Subjects

Year 1 Semester 1

Communication Skills 1

Through an integrated approach based on language and communication skills, the students are helped to acquire communicative competence as well as thinking and study skills needed for their studies at the Polytechnic.

Mathematics & Statistics 1

This subject is designed to equip the students with basic mathematical and statistical techniques which are essential for the course of study. Topics covered include algebra, calculus, probability, probability distributions and their applications.

Inorganic & Physical Chemistry

The subject introduce students to the basic concepts which will include nomenclature and stoichiometry; chemical reactions in aqueous; chemical thermodynamics; electrochemistry and the state of matter and solutions. The principles of physical chemistry and the properties and the reactions of inorganic compounds will also be covered in the lectures, tutorials and laboratory practicals.

Organic & Biological Chemistry

This subject investigates the basic concepts in organic chemistry, constituents of biological systems, their properties and significance to biological science. Topics covered include organic chemistry , water, carbohydrates, proteins & enzymes, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Plant Biology

This subject provides the foundation of plant biology, which is required as a prelude to biotechnology. Topics covered include plant physiology, structure and functions of plant systems.

Basic Microbiology

This subject investigates the importance of basic microbiology and its relevance to the food and biotechnology industries. Topics covered include the microbial world, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, cultivation and growth of microorganisms; nutritional requirements and microbiological media, control of microorganisms.

Year 1 Semester 2

Mathematics & Statistics 2

This subject is designed to equip students with basic mathematical and statistical techniques which are essential for the course of study. Topics covered include basic statistics, sampling distribution, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance and non-parametric testings.

Biochemistry 1

This subject provides the further understanding of functions and analyses of proteins and enzymes, and protein synthesis and information pathways. Students will also learn the co-ordination between catabolism and anabolism as a foundation to develop deeper understanding of metabolism and their dysfunctions in subsequent subjects.


Students will be introduced to the concept of genes from a molecular perspective to classical heredity studies. The topics covered include the organisation of genetic material in organisms, with emphasis on eukaryotic chromosomes; patterns of Mendelian inheritance; phenotypic variations caused by various forms of gene interactions; and basic concepts in population and evolutionary genetics.

Cell Biology

This subject covers the biology of cells of higher organisms: structure, functions, and biosynthesis of cellular membranes and organelles; cell growth; transport, receptors and cell signalling; the cytoskeleton, the extracellular matrix, and cell movements; chromatin structure and RNA synthesis.

Computer Applications

This is a practice-oriented subject with all sessions conducted in the computer laboratory. The topics covered include functions and components of a personal computer system; hardware components, operating system, basic word processing and some advanced features; basic slide production and presentation and some advanced features.

Chemical Engineering Principles

This subject will cover a number of scientific principles and techniques which are basic principles of the food process engineering and bioprocess engineering. Physical laws such as Law of Thermodynamics , Material and Energy Balances, Heat Transfer, Mass transfer, and Fluid Flow will be discussed.



Anatomy & Physiology

This subject aims to provide students with a basic understanding of gross and microscopic human anatomy and physiology. Topics covered include the functions of various organs and organ systems and how these systems interact to contribute to harmonious functioning of the body.

Biochemistry 2

The subject focus on principles in biochemistry and provide in-depth treatment on metabolism and bioenergetics by building on concepts gained from Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, and Biochemistry 1. Topics covered include basic concept in bioenergetics, energy sources in biological systems, glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, additional pathways in carbohydrate metabolism, electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, photosynthesis, lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and integration and control of the metabolic processes.

Molecular Genetics

This subject teaches both the theoretical knowledge and practical techniques of molecular genetics. Topics covered include the detailed structure and function of DNA, the replication and expression of genes, and genetic mutations.

Basic Clinical Chemistry & Haematology

This subject is designed to equip the students with the basic foundation in clinical chemistry and haematology. It introduces the concept, procedures and common terms used in the clinical chemistry and haematology laboratory with equal emphasis on theoretical knowledge and practical work.

Basic Histology & Serology

This subject introduces concepts, procedures and common terms used in both histology and serology. Lectures will be supplemented by tutorials, laboratory works, laboratory demonstrations and practical.

Year 2 Semester 2

Analytical Chemistry 1

Basic concepts in classical and instrumental methods of analysis of commercial sample will be introduced. The analytical approach in a chemical analysis will also be emphasised. Topics to be covered include sampling, techniques of sample pre-treatment, chemical equilibrium, theories and applications of chromatography, analytical spectroscopy and electrochemistry.

Environmental Science

The subject is focused on two principle aims. The first is to introduce the student to environmental issues related to pollution. This should enable the student to speak intelligently about concerns being addressed by government and industry. The second aim is to give the student some practical knowledge in environmental biotechnology specific to Singapore. This will give the student the background necessary to answer industry questions about health hazards and concerns.

Biochemical Techniques

This subject focuses on the biochemical techniques and various applications in the field of biotechnology. The identification, extraction, purification and analyses of biomolecules are emphasised.

Applied Microbiology

This subject has a theoretical and practical/laboratory focus which allows the students to apply their knowledge acquired in Basic Microbiology in the fields of food , industry, medicine and environment. Content includes the role of microorganisms in food spoilage, foodborne illness, industrial products, infectious diseases and the environment.

Molecular Biology

The study of molecular biology is vital for the basic understanding of the principles and applications of genetic engineering. It is one of the most important subjects which needs to be understood in order for one to be competent in the field of biotechnology.



This is a 10-week attachment programme which provides the students an opportunity to apply their skills & knowledge to both the healthcare and biotechnology industries.

Year 3 Semester 1

Communication Skills 2

The course comprises a balanced mix between the components of theoretical understanding as well as practical application of communication and behavioural skills required in the context of the professional workplace. Emphasis is placed on full participation on the part of the students, in activities and exercises designed according to the stated aims and objectives.

Final Year Project

This project is compulsory to all final year Biotechnology students. Students must obtain a minimum pass grade for this subject to be awarded the Diploma. The aim of this project is to provide the students exposure to current and relevant research and development within the industry . Emphasis will be on independent learning by doing. Finding relevant references and problems solving through group discussion are strongly encouraged. Students are expected to work independently with minimum guidance and supervision from the project supervisor. At the end of the project, students are required to submit a written report and perform an oral and poster presentation.


General Biotechnology Option

Genetic Engineering

This subject provides the basic theoretical and applied knowledge of genetic engineering. Topics covered include fundamentals of recombinant DNA, cloning in E. coli and other organisms such as yeast, plants and animals, analytical techniques, and modern applications of genetic engineering.

Plant Tissue Culture

Introduces the various aspects of plant biotechnology.; from the fundamentals of totipotency of cells to the regeneration of complete plants. Covers the basic tissue culture laboratory, nutritional components of tissue culture media, initiation and maintenance of callus, cell suspension culture, micropropagation, plant protoplasts, anther and pollen culture, organogenesis and embryogenesis, storage of plant genetic resources, virus eradication, secondary metabolite production.

Animal Cell Culture

Provides both the theoretical and practical knowledge on growing animal cells in a sterile environment. Topics include aseptic techniques, nutrient requirements, maintenance of culture, quantitation and experimental design.

Bioprocess Technology

This subject provides the fundamental principles of bioprocess technology and its relevance to the biotechnology industry. Topics covered include an overview of industrial bioprocesses, with emphasis on fermentation and enzyme application; operations involved at various bioprocess stages, starting from raw materials and ending with a pure product; basic concepts of bioprocess engineering; process control and instrumentation; bioreactor design for culturing micro-organisms, animal cells and plant cells.


Medical Technology Option

Basic Pathology

Provides students with an understanding of the science of diseases. Discussions include inflammation, neoplasia, necrosis, degeneration, thrombosis, embolism and cytopathology.


An in-depth study of anaemia, haemoglobinopathies, leukaemia, blood parasites, haemostasis and bleeding disorders with emphasis on the laboratory investigations and identification of the above haematological disorders. Automation, quality control and assurance in haematology will also be covered.

Applied Immunology

Equips students with knowledge of immunology with respect to infectious agents. Students apply their knowledge in serodiagnostic techniques in clinical and research laboratories.

Clinical Chemistry

A study of the identification and quantification of biomolecules in human fluids in normal and diseased conditions. Emphasis is on the analytical measures of the biomolecules and the understanding of the effect(s) of abnormal concentration of the biomolecules on the individuals.

Year 3 Semester 2

Communication Skills 2

The course comprises a balanced mix between the components of theoretical understanding as well as practical application of communication and behavioural skills required in the context of the professional workplace. Emphasis is placed on full participation on the part of the students, in activities and exercises designed according to the stated aims and objectives.

Final Year Project

This project is compulsory to all final year Biotechnology students. Students must obtain a minimum pass grade for this subject to be awarded the Diploma. The aim of this project is to provide the students exposure to current and relevant research and development within the industry . Emphasis will be on independent learning by doing. Finding relevant references and problems solving through group discussion are strongly encouraged. Students are expected to work independently with minimum guidance and supervision from the project supervisor. At the end of the project, students are required to submit a written report and perform an oral and poster presentation.

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) & Quality Management

The Asian pharmaceutical market is estimated at S$28 billion annually and this is expected to grow between 8-15% every year. At this rate of growth, which is twice the rate elsewhere in the world, it could account for almost half the world’s pharmaceutical market within the next 10 years. In recent years, the Singapore Economic development Board (EDB) has been successful in attracting independent drug companies to establish regional offices in Singapore. It is therefore important for the Biotechnology students of Temasek Polytechnic to be trained in Good Laboratory Practice procedures and some aspects of Good Clinical Practice in the study of the safety, efficacy and regulatory matters affecting the development of new drugs. In this module, the historical developments and the current trends and practices, affecting both GLP and GCP, will be introduced to the students as an overview.

This subject also deals with the overall management of a science or medical laboratory. Discussions include laboratory design and set-up, guidelines and practices, hazards associated with various laboratories especially chemistry, microbiology & molecular biology, quality assurance & quality control programmes including quality audit and safety programmes & implementation.


General Biotechnology Option

Hybridoma Technology

Focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of hybridoma technology and applications of monoclonal antibodies in the various areas of biotechnology.


Covers defence system of the human beings against a wide variety of disease-causing agents. Topics include immunity, immune response, complement, immunological techniques and vaccination.

Agrotechnology & Farm Management

Introduces the concepts of modern technology in farming and management. Topics include greenhouse designs, hydroponic technology, soil science, plant propagation techniques and aquaculture systems for fresh and salt water systems. Farm management systems applicable to the above topics are also introduced. Marketing and business Management are also included.


Medical Technology Option

Medical Microbiology
Students will study the major microbial diseases in the different body systems and the causative micro-organisms. Discussions include type of specimens, collection & handling, techniques for detection, isolation and identification, quality assurance and quality control. The safety & management of a medical microbiology laboratory will also be covered. This subject requires students to apply knowledge and techniques gained in subjects " Basic Microbiology" and "Applied Microbiology".

Blood Banking

Covers theoretical, practical and clinical basis of blood transfusion. Topics include blood components and plasma derivatives, blood collection, processing, storage, cryopreservation and shipment; immunology principles, blood group systems; application of serologic principles and clinical considerations in transfusion practices.

Histological Techniques

This subject aims to provide the students a detailed understanding of the theory and physical principles of histotechnology and histochemistry. It also aims to provide technical competence in laboratory techniques used in histopathology. Emphasis will be placed on staining techniques used in histopathology. An introduction to basic exfoliative cytology will also be covered. The teaching mode will include lectures, tutorials, practical and demonstration sessions.

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